It’s been too long..

Bonjour tout le monde!

I’m at university for my last day of the week, yes I have Friday of this week. So thank you Michelle (my lecturer on Fridays).

It has been so long since I last wrote something on here, so I decided today I HAD to write something. The sun is shinning a bit through the window in the JG building and things are looking up for the 1st of the new month.

Over the past few days I have had £1 drinks, Wagamamas (YUM), smiles, laughs, cries and kisses. It was an emotional rollercoster from the start of the week ’till Wednesday, but it all sorted now. Thank god. I have just finished my french work due in at 3pm, so I feel a little better about that. I also did my reading for the first time ever for my seminar in half an hour. Geek Jo has come out again. I have missed her! :’)

Today has started to get better and better from this morning. This morning was a rush. I got up in time, I just didn’t wanna leave my bed. I had to get the late bus and I arrived late at university. I got to the room a few minutes late and that’s where my anger took a whole new level. I was walking to an empty seat on the other side of the room where the green monster lecturer (you guessed it, I actually dislike him :o) said “Excuse me, excuse me.” He did have to repeat it a few times over before I realised he was talking to me. I looked round and he shouted “Don’t walk past me when I am talking. I have told you several times (which I can’t remember, if I am honest) Go sit over there. Now.” I was like ‘what the eff’. I didn’t know I was back in Secondary school or something. Totally out of order. I even said sorry for being late. Don’t agree with it at all, probably won’t be seeing me in his class from now on. So stupid.

Now the worst is over I start to look at the rest of the day on a positive. I am here for only a few more hours where I will then go home and do loads of housework and just get up-to-date with things at uni and other stuff and have cuddles with my dog and Mr and Mrs Duvet ft. Sir Bed.

Looking forward to the Friday feeling tomorrow. I get a day off and I am going out with everyone in the evening. What else could I ask for?

Have a good day everyone,

A bientot.